Kitchen Redesign

Blender, Unreal Engine 5

In this project, i was tasked to create a 3D Visualization of an upcoming kitchen renovation project. It was mainly used to see where things could go before it was implemented in real life. The entire project was completed without seeing the actual project.

Creating the base cabinets

To create the base cabinets, i referenced the stock kitchen CAD files to make sure the measurements were all correct. Three versions of the cabinets were created as new developments and needs were required. Version 3 (Far right) is the most detailed and most flexible for changes

All main cabinets, Right to left in terms of newest

Creating cabinets and adding filler objects

Once my main cabinet was complete, i added it into the main project with the basic floorplan. I then started to add more detail to the cabinets and surrounding areas. This includes adding the 2 main ceiling lights and the sink and tap. I also modelled the fridge and cookers from complete scratch, with the oven even having a non-functional modelled interior

Complete modeled view of the main kitchen scene for the main render

Texturing and procedural materials

I used a mix of 4K/8K textures as well as procedural materials in this project that make the kitchen feel photorealistic. For texturing I used Quixel Bridge to blend together multiple wood materials with colour to get a paint effect, this is mainly featured on the slated dark blue wood. For the main cabinet i created a similar wood-paint effect procedurally by using a combination of noise textures and colour ramps.

Creating a VR, Realtime experience

Part of my project was to get the model working in VR, to allow for full visualisation. I decided to go for Unreal Engine 5 thanks to its amazing visuals using its Lumen light system that works in real time. To transfer my project to Unreal was a tedious process that included using a procedural material translate tool that allowed the two systems to work together. Once imported, some simple material changing for things like mirrors was needed as well as basic optimization. The whole thing worked pretty seamlessly and I was impressed by the quality of the real time renderer

Final renders in Blender

I wanted to create a main image render that would be the main display of the kitchen, but also a video spline animation that flew through the kitchen to the bar. I rendered the image at 8K and with minimal optimization of textures that were less visible. After render, I imported into lightroom to touch up any artifacts and give it a more realistic look by sharpening and adding a vignette to make it look less CG.

Main rendered image. 8K (4,000 samples)

The video render was more tricky, as render times were humungous and unreasonable for the amount of frames that needed to be rendered. I started doing much more intense optimization of textures and making sure all path tracing settings were optimal. After all the optimization, I managed to render at 2K, 1 frame (~30s) at 2,600 samples

I then colour graded the footage in Davinci Resolve, adding a bit of a vignette and a denoiser to help with the grain

Charlie Design

Made with ❤️ by Charlie